Finance in Motion designated as “Practice Leader” by independent impact verifier, BlueMark

Impact Asset manager recognized for excellent impact management practices

Frankfurt, 11 July 2022 – Finance in Motion has been designated as a "Practice Leader" by BlueMark, a provider of independent impact verification services for investors and companies. Finance in Motion is one of only five to be awarded the title out of a total of 60 impact investors verified – recognizing the firm’s rigorous impact management and advancement of best practices in the industry.

In its third report, Marking the Mark, BlueMark has taken the practice benchmark a step forward and, for the first time, named a list of “Practice Leaders” – those verified investors that fall into the top quartile of its benchmark. 

The benchmark is based on aggregated data and insights from 60 impact verifications for investors, with a combined USD 160 billion in impact assets under management, on their alignment with the Operating Principles for Impact Management (Impact Principles).

BlueMark verified Finance in Motion’s impact management system alignment against the Impact Principles in November 2021, leading to notable ratings as found in Finance in Motion’s Disclosure Statement.

“We are honored to be designated as a “Practice Leader” by BlueMark. At Finance in Motion, delivering tangible and verifiable impact is at the heart of what we do,” said Finance in Motion Managing Director Sylvia Wisniwski. “We are continuously honing our learning and strategy development so that we can raise the bar even higher when it comes to best practices in the impact investing market.”

Read the full report here:


About Finance in Motion
Finance in Motion is a global impact asset manager focused exclusively on sustainable development in emerging markets and developing economies. The company structures, manages, and advises impact investment funds that bring together public and private investors to address climate change, strengthen biodiversity conservation, foster the sustainable use of natural resources, improve livelihoods, and promote economic opportunities.

Over the course of its operations, Finance in Motion has unleashed a cumulative total of EUR 5.8 billion toward these goals in Southeast Europe, the Caucasus, Latin America, the Middle East, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa. Finance in Motion also manages technical assistance facilities to supplement these investments, providing support to investees, fostering responsible finance, and maximizing impact.

Through its 16 locally staffed offices that manage activities across more than 35 countries, Finance in Motion leverages its regional expertise and market proximity to help partners develop their businesses and demonstrate that sustainable and financial returns can go hand-in-hand. Impact is the heart of what the company does. An independent verification of Finance in Motion’s impact management system confirmed strong practices and a strong level of alignment with the Operating Principles for Impact Management.

Finance in Motion and its funds contribute to 13 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. All funds advised by Finance in Motion fall within the scope of Article 9 of the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). Finance in Motion is an alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) supervised by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority.

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Media contact Finance in Motion

Anne Johnson
Marketing & Communications
Phone: +49 69 / 271 035 742
Fax: +49 69 / 271 035-110

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