Frankfurt, 4 June 2021 – Finance in Motion, one of the world’s leading impact asset managers, has released its annual Impact Investment Report. Entitled “Investing in Resilience,” the publication details how, through the funds it advises and manages, the company directed EUR 760 million in new investments toward sustainable development in 2020 – the highest yet in one year for the seasoned impact asset manager. Over 400 technical assistance interventions accompanied these financial activities to strengthen their impact and help investees tackle operational challenges, especially in response to the coronavirus crisis.
Finance in Motion advises or manages various impact funds dedicated exclusively to sustainable development in emerging markets. The funds channel investments toward topics such as climate action, biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of natural resources, and entrepreneurship and financial inclusion. Particularly in light of the global disruption brought about by the pandemic, the funds in 2020 focused on maintaining or accelerating crucial financing and technical assistance to these areas. For example, financing for local businesses resulted in the support of 114,000 jobs, while investments into green energy and energy efficiency measures in 2020 contributed to saving CO2 emissions at a rate of 971,000 tons each year.
“Investing in Resilience” describes Finance in Motion’s approach to these activities in depth, through detailed insights into the company’s impact and sustainability strategy – including impact measuring and monitoring, and alignment with the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals – as well as case studies and key figures.
“Impact investing has always been about problem-solving,” said Managing Director Sylvia Wisniwski. “Dealing with crisis is not new to us. It’s actually a constant and core feature of our business. When Finance in Motion was established in 2009, many investees were grappling with the financial crisis. Today, it is the pandemic with all its global ramifications. Yet then as now, entertaining long-term business relationships with our partners that not only work during sunny days but also in stormy weather, maintaining an on-the-ground presence in our markets, and having an in-depth understanding of our partners have all helped build resilient systems that can ride shocks, provide targeted interventions, and continue driving sustainable development. We hope with this report to offer up examples of how collaboration and innovation are key to navigating even daunting challenges – and how impact investment can contribute to coming out even stronger than before.”
Click here to read “Investing in Resilience,” the Finance in Motion Impact Report 2020.
About Finance in Motion
Finance in Motion is a global impact asset manager focused exclusively on sustainable development in emerging markets. The company develops and advises impact investment funds whose blended finance structures bring together public and private investors to address climate change, strengthen biodiversity conservation, foster the sustainable use of natural resources, improve livelihoods, and promote economic opportunities.
Over the course of its operations, Finance in Motion has unleashed a cumulative total of over EUR 5.4 billion toward these goals in Southeast Europe, the Caucasus, Latin America, the Middle East, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa. In addition to investment activities, the funds also provide technical assistance to support investees, foster responsible finance, and maximize impact in the countries they serve. Finance in Motion furthermore makes selected direct investments in impactful enterprises that share the company’s values.
Through its 17 offices that manage activities across more than 30 countries, Finance in Motion helps partners develop their businesses and demonstrate that sustainable and financial returns can go hand-in-hand.
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Media contact Finance in Motion
Merle Römer
Manager, Marketing & Communications
Phone: +49 69 / 271 035-171
Fax: +49 69 / 271 035-110