Frankfurt, 11 January 2022 – Finance in Motion, one of the world’s leading impact asset managers, released the results of an independent audit of its impact management system against the Operating Principles for Impact Management (Impact Principles), the leading industry standard for integrating impact management throughout the investment lifecycle. The asset manager received notable ratings across the principles which define common best practices in impact management.
BlueMark, an independent and specialized impact verification services provider, conducted this assessment by benchmarking Finance in Motion’s impact management system against the Impact Principles. Results are based on a comprehensive document review and key person interviews.
The Impact Principles aim to instill a universally accepted standard around impact investing, assisting investors in identifying impact-managed investments. They have already been adopted by around 150 impact investors worldwide, comprised of asset managers, asset owners, Multilateral Development Banks and Development Finance Institutions. As a signatory, Finance in Motion publishes an annual disclosure statement on its impact management practices detailing impact strategy and integration throughout the investment life cycle and covering all assets under management/advisory as of 1st January 2021.
“We are very pleased with our independent impact verification results. For us, managing our impact is just as important as managing the financial performance of the funds we advise. Impact is integrated into every step of the investment process and actively managed to achieve our impact objectives,” commented Finance in Motion Managing Director Sylvia Wisniwski. “Through these impact principles, we have a strong common standard in the impact investing market. It not only assures us that we are on the right track, but also helps to build trust among investors and mobilize additional capital for impact investing. The verification exercise also provided a valuable opportunity to exchange best practices regarding impact management and we look forward to continuing to build upon our current impact management practices”
Christina Leijonhufvud BlueMark CEO commented "BlueMark was very pleased to engage with the Finance in Motion team to verify the firm's alignment to the Operating Principles for Impact Management and believe that the spirit of openness and commitment to learning that Finance in Motion's team brought to the verification process are crucial to continually raising the bar on best practice in the market."
About Finance in Motion
Finance in Motion is a global impact asset manager focused exclusively on sustainable development in low and middle-income countries. The company develops and advises impact investment funds whose blended finance structures bring together public and private investors to address climate change, strengthen biodiversity conversation, foster the sustainable use of natural resources, improve livelihoods, and promote economic opportunities.
Over the course of its operations, Finance in Motion has unleashed a cumulative total of EUR 5.8 billion toward these goals in Southeast Europe, the Caucasus, Latin America, the Middle East, and North Africa. In addition to investment activities, the funds also provide technical assistance to support investees, foster responsible finance, and maximize impact in the countries they serve. Finance in Motion furthermore makes selected direct investments in impactful enterprises that share the company’s values.
Through its 16 offices that manage activities across more than 35 countries, Finance in Motion helps partners develop their businesses and demonstrate that sustainable and financial returns can go hand-in-hand.
Media contact Finance in Motion
Merle Römer
Manager, Marketing & Communications
Phone: +49 69 / 271 035-171
Fax: +49 69 / 271 035-110