If you are in the financial industry, you’ve probably heard the term “impact investing” thrown around a lot. But what does this exactly mean? So often terminologies are said so much they get watered down and simply used as a static reference with no true meaning. That is precisely what Finance at Motion wanted to address and thus teamed up with Pymwymic, a community of impact investors. How did they choose to do so? By presenting a usually complex idea into a cute and short, animated video.
Roping in other experts from the industry, we created this dynamic video with the goal of mobilizing more private capital for positive impact. By making usually technical jargon easily understandable, the video visually presents how impact investment promotes positive change in the world we live in - whilst still being charming and enjoyable.
“We wanted to create something innovative and informative which grabs the attention of potential investors,” says Milena Bertram, Director of the External Relations team at Finance in Motion.
So often people think one can either be guaranteed high earnings but contribute to the destruction of the environment or save the earth and sacrifice on financial returns. How about an alternative option where your money can be used to make a real difference in the world and you get bang for your buck?
With the intention of whetting the appetite of potential investors, the video also provides a few concrete tips for following up. “We hope that this video serves as a jumping-off point for interested viewers who want to find out more about impact investing,” Milena says.
The delightful animated short video is now available to the public on Finance in Motion’s YouTube channel. So, go check it out and let your investor friends know what impact investment is all about.
Learning the Power of Impact Investments
Finance in Motion teamed up with partners to create a short video explaining what Impact Investing is all about