The Arbaro Fund

Arbaro invests in sustainable forestry in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa

Impact contribution
1,945,000 tons of CO2 sequestered 

Impact strategy
Environmental impact

Investment strategy
Private equity 

Assets under management
USD 111.2 mn


Sustainability Report 

Initiated in

Initiated by
Finance in Motion and the UNIQUE Group.  Limited partners include the European Investment Bank, the Finnish Fund for Industrial Cooperation, fair-finance Vorsorgekasse, GLS Treuhand, and Girteka Logistics. Finance in Motion Asset Management S.à r.l. serves as the fund manager.

Target regions
Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa

The Arbaro Fund (Arbaro) invests in sustainable forestry projects in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa through equity or equity-like investments. By acquiring mostly majority positions, Arbaro can play a more active role in creating value and ensuring strong impact management within its portfolio companies. The fund facilitates significant climate change mitigation by investing in sustainably-managed, FSC-certified plantations. It is also contributing to job creation and skills development in rural areas and overall economic growth in its target countries, all while earning positive returns for its investors.

The Arbaro Fund’s investment advisor is Arbaro Advisors GmbH, an investment advisory company jointly established by Finance in Motion and the UNIQUE Group.


Investing in sustainably managed forests

Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa offer ideal biophysical growth conditions for forests and promising investment potential

Arbaro finances sustainable forestry projects in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa, regions where biophysical growth conditions for forests are ideal. FiM Asset Management, a 100% subsidiary of Finance in Motion and incorporated in Luxembourg, acts as the alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) to the fund whereas Arbaro Advisors acts as the investment advisor of the fund. 

The combination of environmental and social benefits allows investors to have a sustainable, positive impact locally and globally while earning solid financial returns.

Invest in sustainable forestry projects

Arbaro Fund impact

Since its inception, the fund has contributed to:


Tons of CO2 sequestered*


Direct jobs supported*


FSC certified*

*Figures represent contributions by the fund to cumulative results at the level of the investee companies.

About Arbaro Fund

Experts in development financing for sustainable forestry projects

Arbaro has a dedicated investment team with specialist experience and a proven track record in evaluating, investing in, and managing forestry projects in emerging markets. The Arbaro Team has invested successfully in forest plantations and wood product businesses across the fund’s focus regions. 

FIND OUT MORE ABOUT ARBARO ADVISORs' extensive forestry investment expertise and track record


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